A Mucky Business with Tim Farron

Dr Lisa Cameron: Voting with my conscience

27 Apr 2021

This week Tim Farron asks SNP MP and Christian Dr Lisa Cameron about what happened when she voted against introducing abortion in Northern Ireland and asks how Christians should engage with their MP if they disagree with their views. A year before be...

Nick Fletcher: Why I came back to church

20 Apr 2021

This week Tim Farron shares his views on the European Super League and asks Conservative MP Nick Fletcher, who left the church as a teenager, what made him come back to faith as an adult to become a born-again Christian. Nick's constituency of Don V....

Jim Shannon, Northern Ireland and the importance of prayer

13 Apr 2021

Tim Farron chats to Jim Shannon, the DUP MP for Strangford in Northern Ireland. They discuss the incredible story of Jim being selected, the recent escalation of tensions in Belfast and what Jim prays for every day.   Tim also share his view on Dav...

Lord David Alton: Sanctioned by China and cross-party campaigning

30 Mar 2021

Tim Farron asks independent peer Lord David Alton how campaigning has led to him being sanctioned by China. David is a passionate advocate for religious freedom and has recently led a campaign to make sure the UK does not trade with countries found t...

Danny Kruger: Are Christian values for everyone?

23 Mar 2021

Tim Farron asks Conservative MP Danny Kruger whether the Bible's plan for human flourishing should try to be advanced by Christian MPs or not. Are these morals for everyone or just those changed by the Holy Spirit? Danny believes there should be more...

Gary Grant: How Christ and Covid changed my business

16 Mar 2021

Tim Farron asks business owner Gary Grant, who started The Entertainer toy chain, how he had to change his business model when he became a Christian and how he had to change it again when lockdown came. What does he think of the Government help offe....

Fiona Bruce: Fighting for persecuted Christians around the world

9 Mar 2021

Tim Farron discusses Christian persecution with Fiona Bruce MP, the PM's new Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief and long advocate for religious freedom. Fiona explains how people can get involved in campaigning and how it has changed her...

David Linden: Scottish independence and being treated like Ned Flanders

2 Mar 2021

Tim Farron discusses Scottish independence with SNP MP David Linden, a Christian friend on the opposite side of the debate. David, who joined the SNP aged 11, explains why he wants Scotland to leave the UK, how he became a Christian as a teenager and...

Stephen Timms: should the church help Govt fix problems?

23 Feb 2021

Tim Farron and Labour MP Stephen Timms discuss how the church can help rebuild society post-Covid and how much churches should focus on social problems. Does the church's help deter the state from fixing the problems we pay it to solve?Tim also share...

Don Curry: applying to be a Lord whilst serving the Lord

9 Feb 2021

Tim Farron asks Lord Don Curry, an independent peer in the House of Lords, whether he can vote however he wants as a Christian and the advantages and disadvantages of being a 'cross-bencher' without a political party. Don also describes how and why h...

Emma Hardy: student mental health, bishops and cats

2 Feb 2021

Tim Farron discusses finding faith and student mental health with shadow universities minister Emma Hardy. Emma, a former teacher, explains how she became a Labour MP and how she found faith after walking into a church on a frazzled day. Tim also say...

Steve Double: Supporting Matt Hancock & sleeping during Dad's sermons

26 Jan 2021

Tim Farron discusses whether schools should reopen and chats to Conservative MP Steve Double about his additional role as a Parliamentary Private Secretary - what do they actually do and how does it affect a Christian MP's church life? Tim also shar....

Rachael Maskell and eternal hope

19 Jan 2021

Tim Farron discusses the challenges of caring for all your constituents when coronavirus has ruined lives and jobs. He is joined by the Labour MP Rachael Maskell, whose York constituency had some of the first Covid cases a year ago. Tim also shares h...

Ian Blackford and crumbling empires

12 Jan 2021

Christian MP Tim Farron is joined by the leader of the SNP group in Westminster, Ian Blackford, to discuss his journey to faith, watching church online, coronavirus and whether churches should accept closure in Scotland or not. Tim also explains what...


12 Jan 2021

Find out more about 'A Mucky Business' and why MP Tim Farron is keen to see Christians around the UK engage in politics.