9 Mar 2023

IWD: 6 POWERFUL women in the Bible

Throughout history, women have played important roles in shaping our world and driving change. In the Bible, we can find examples of powerful women who defied expectations and made a significant impact on their communities. Here are six powerful women from the Bible who continue to inspire us today: 1. Miriam: Miriam was the first female prophetess in the history of Christianity. She played a key role in the Exodus story, helping to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea. She was also a talented musician and led women in song and dance to celebrate their freedom. 2. Deborah: Deborah was a prophetess and the only female judge in the history of Christianity. She was known for her wisdom and leadership skills, and played a crucial role in leading the Israelites to victory against their enemies. 3. Queen Esther: Queen Esther is known for her bravery and courage in standing up for her people. She risked her own life to approach King Xerxes and plead for the salvation of the Jewish people. 4. Lydia: Lydia was a successful businesswoman who became one of the first European converts to Christianity. She used her wealth and influence to support Paul's ministry, opening up her home to him and other Christian leaders. 5. Phoebe: Phoebe was a helper and deaconess who played an important role in spreading Christianity throughout Rome. She is mentioned by Paul in his letter to the Romans as someone who had been a great help to him. 6. Mary Magdalene: Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus' closest followers and is often referred to as the "apostle to the apostles." After witnessing Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, she became one of the first people to preach about his message of love and redemption. These six powerful women from the Bible serve as reminders that women have always been an integral part of history, even when their stories have been overlooked or forgotten. Their courage, strength, and faith continue to inspire us today as we work towards a better future for all people.   Image: Rene Hunt & Kevin West from the bookGreat Women of the BIble: Contemporary Conversations
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