18 Jun 2017

Christian MP wants Grenfell Tower fire records seized

Lammy, who represents Tottenham, met with residents in Kensington and suggested locals have suspicion of a cover-up rising.

 He said: "People have lost their homes and I have a lost a friend. We believe its a crime what has happened. We have other major events in this country and you get a rolling commentary of what the Met are up to. What are they up to in this case?

He said Theresa May and investigators must ensure all pertinent documents are protected.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister faced much backlash from locals for her response to the fire.

Reverend Mark O'Donoghue, the area dean of Kensington, oversaw the meeting at Downing Street on Saturday where the PM met with survivors of the deadly blaze.

He said: There was real anger expressed. The residents and survivors perceived a lack of communication on the ground, a lack of communication very little reassurance." 

O'Donoghue also said Theresa May was emotional.

He added: I saw the Prime Minster welling up. Somebody began to sob beside her and she just held her hand for the next 20 minutes, which isnt the character that most of us have of the Prime Minister.

Theresa May has promising to oversee a public inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire in which at least 58 people died.

The Prime Minister's admitted the government's response wasn't good enough following the deadly blaze and has ordered more boots on the ground.

Christian and Labour MP, David Lammy has asked the Prime Minister and Metropolitan Police for all documents relevant to the Grenfell Tower fire to be seized immediately.
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