26 Jul 2023

Gospel singer Phil Thompson is flying to Nigeria for a concert with no limits

The year 2018 marked a significant turning point for Phil Thompson. With limited funds but an abundance of faith and passion, he released his debut project, 'My Worship'. By inviting close family and friends to a small studio in Boston for a simultaneous audio-video recording, he created an intimate 'moment' that reverberated across the globe. 
Fast forward to 2021, despite the pandemic's challenges, Thompson's creative spirit remained undeterred. He had plans for a live recording, which led him to a studio in North Carolina. Here, another 'moment' was born amidst safety protocols and restrictions. 
Over the past five to six years, Thompson's musical journey has seen him travel extensively across continents. In this journey, he discovered his most ardent supporters - in Nigeria. This revelation inspired him to plan something grandiose - his first-ever live recording session in Nigeria. 
Sharing this exciting news on Instagram, Thompson revealed his ambition to create another impactful 'moment', this time without any constraints. This live recording will not only underline his growth as an artist but also serve as a tribute to the unwavering support of his Nigerian fans. 

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As we eagerly await this event, let's celebrate the limitless potential of faith-filled music that connects hearts worldwide. Phil Thompson’s story is a testament that sometimes, the journey is just as beautiful as the destination. As fans of this talented artist, we can't wait to see what 'moment' he'll create next. 

Nathana Afonso

Premier Gospel

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