17 Nov 2022

London Community Gospel Choir Celebrates Its 40th Anniversary

To celebrate 40 years of great British gospel music, the original members of the London Community Gospel choir came back together for a night of singing, dancing and praise at the Take Me Back concert in London on Saturday 12thNovember.

The vibrant sounds of the London Community Gospel Choir has inspired music in the UK for over 4 decades. What started off as a concert in the 80s, tospread positivity in light of the race riots and negative media reports about black youth,has now become one of the pioneering groups in gospel music.

LCGC founders, Bazil Mead MBE, Lawrence Johnson and Nicky Brown led the choir through a number of their classic songs.

The highlight for many people in the audience was the surprise guest choir director, Clive Brown and also seeing John Fisher join the choir on stage after many months hospitalised due to health issues.

UK gospels next generation, Becca Folkes and Emmanuel Smith also took to the stage for a live performance.

This concert was certainly a major moment in gospel history.

Watch a video from it below.

[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://premiergospel.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Sequence-05_1.mp4"][/video]  
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