14 Dec 2016

Nicole Scherzinger almost turned down Dirty Dancing role because of faith

Nicole Scherzinger plays Penny Johnson in the ABC TV remake of the 1987 classic film Dirty Dancing.

In the film Penny Johnson has an illegal abortion which ends up threatening her life.

The former Pussycat Dolls star, who's a Catholic, told the Daily Mail: "So I got the role and I almost didn't take it because I didn't want to promote abortion, because my character has an abortion.

"But I was like, hopefully they can learn from you know her ways and I can be a positive influence."

Scherzinger said her grandfather, who's a minister, prayed about the role and advised that she take it.

She went on: "My mum got pregnant with me when she was 17 and had me when she was 18. She chose.

"Her parents were never going to let her have an abortion. So I came out, so I just want to you know encourage everybody to keep your babies.

"We decided that maybe I could be a voice, that I could shed some light on the subject without being preachy."

Dirty Dancing will be Nicole Scherzinger's first lead role in a film.

Its air date is yet to be revealed but will be some time in 2017.

American singer and actress Nicole Scherzinger has revealed the moral conflict she had in playing a TV character who has an abortion.
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