1 Aug 2023

The Power of speaking Live: A Father's Blessing Goes Viral!

It's often said that the bond between a parent and child is formed even before birth. A heartwarming video that recently went viral on social media beautifully illustrates this sentiment.The video features a soon-to-be father tenderly singing a gospel song, 'The Blessing', to his unborn child ultrasound. This touching moment, capturing the profound connection between a father and his unborn child, has struck a chord with people worldwide.Social media users were moved by the father's heartfelt act, with one user remarking, "This is a man that truly wants to be a father. Lord bless him and his union. This is beautiful." The video has sparked conversations about the power of speaking life into existence and the role of faith in nurturing hope.Another user shared her personal experience: "I remember my husband doing this after we lost two babies. One to a miscarriage and our son to stillbirth. He spoke LIFE over our third pregnancy every single day. Our daughter is four today."

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Indeed, the power of words cannot be underestimated, especially when they come from a place of faith and hope. As the Bible teaches in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”The viral video serves as a poignant reminder that speaking life and blessings over our children can have a profound impact on their lives. It also highlights the importance of faith in overcoming adversity and fostering love and connection.As we watch this father serenade his unborn child with 'The Blessing', we're reminded of the transformative power of love, faith and music. It's truly testament to the fact that parenthood begins long before we hold our children in our arms; it starts in our hearts.


Nathana Afonso

Premier Gospel

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