9 Mar 2023

What the book of Joshua tells us about the month of March

As we enter the month of March, we may find ourselves feeling discouraged or frustrated. This is often the time when the momentum from our New Year's resolutions starts to slow down or even come to a halt. This month Pastor Mike White is back to encourage you to keep marching forward towards your goals and dreams. He says one of the key scriptures that comes to mind when it comes to marching forward is Joshua chapter 6. This chapter tells the story of Joshua and his army marching around the walls of Jericho in order to push forward and achieve their victory. In verse 2, God says to Joshua, "see, I have delivered Jericho into your hands." This message is just as relevant for us today as it was for Joshua thousands of years ago. We must see our victories before they happen, and we must keep pushing forward even when things seem difficult.

Then the Lord said to Joshua, See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men."

  March is a month of change and transition. It's a time when winter begins to give way to spring, and new growth starts to appear all around us. Let this be a reminder that even when things seem stagnant or slow-moving, growth and progress are always possible. So if you're feeling discouraged or stuck in your journey towards your goals, remember the story of Joshua and his army. Keep marching forward, even if it feels like you're just walking in circles. With faith and determination, you will eventually achieve your victory. Watch Pastor Mike White's full message and prayer: Pastor Mike encourages us to embrace the month of March with hope and optimism. Let's see our victories before they happen, keep pushing forward towards our goals, and trust that growth and progress are always possible. Together, let's march forward towards a brighter future!
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