4 Apr 2023

What we MUST be open with in April & why

Pastor Mike White recently shared his insights on the significance of the month of April and its implications for our spiritual journey. Drawing from the Latin origin of the word "April," which means "to open," Pastor White encourages us to embrace openness in various aspects of our lives as we head towards Easter celebrations. Open to Separation: Reflecting on John chapter 12, Pastor White emphasizes the importance of separation in our lives, whether it's letting go of old mindsets, attitudes, habits, or relationships. As Christians, we must be open to walking away from situations and relationships that are no longer serving us in order to embrace new blessings that God has in store for us. Open to Fresh Information: Pastor White also encourages us to be open to receiving fresh insight and guidance from mentors and those who are ahead of us in our spiritual journey. This requires humility and a willingness to learn from others' experiences. By doing so, we gain foresight that can help us avoid potential pitfalls and make better decisions. Open to Practical Steps: In addition to being open to separation and fresh information, Pastor White reminds us that we must also be willing to take practical steps towards the blessings that God has prepared for us. Just as rain begins on Earth before it falls from the sky, we must initiate action on Earth before we can expect heavenly blessings. This involves being proactive in making connections, submitting applications, and seeking wisdom. Watch here: As we move into this open season of April leading up to Easter celebrations, let's embrace the message shared by Pastor Mike White. Be open to the process of separation, be receptive to fresh information from mentors, and take practical steps towards your blessings. In doing so, you'll find yourself walking confidently into the destiny that God has planned for you. Catch Pastor Mike White every first Monday of the month on the Gospel Breakfast Show.
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