7 Jul 2023

Why this Christian business owner finds influencer culture ‘annoying’

In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to connect with their audiences. One strategy that has grown immensely popular in recent years is influencer marketing. Leveraging the reach and influence of internet celebrities, brands can market their products directly to an engaged and receptive audience.

However, not all brands are on board with this method of outreach and see it as more harmful than helpful. Bianca Estelle, founder of BEA Skincare, shared in a recent interview with Cassandra Maria that she’s not a fan of this new wave of people paid to say you like or use a product: “I’m from quite an old school mentality and think that if you like a product and you use a product you should just say you love it. So what I always struggle with is we’re in a place of Instagram and social media whereby people will get paid just to say they love a product, and that’s something that I struggle with.”

“I don’t need to be famous in the world, I can be famous on my heart”

The entrepreneur elaborated and said she’ll never go down that particular route: “I’m not willing to go down that road and I haven’t and to be honest, my brand has grown organically. It may have grown at a slower rate but I’m not willing to pay someone to say they like something when I just think we should be genuine. Maybe that’s the Christian in me too, let’s just keep it real”.

Speaking on being a Christian business owner, Estelle also said how she  overcomes these hurdles with God, knowing what He has set out for her to do and sticking with him: “Life is bigger than us and we leave it to God – I have a wonderful fanbase, I know my products are great and that’s enough for me. I don’t need to be famous in the world, I can be famous on my heart.”

You can check out the BEA Skincare product line by clicking here. Catch Cass weekdays from 6pm on Premier Gospel radio.

Written by Cassandra Maria

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