Ask NT Wright Anything

Presented by Justin Brierley

#105 The theology of death

17 Feb 2022

Tom and Justin engage listener's theological questions about death - lamenting death, Paul's view of death as an 'enemy', and whether physical death is a result of the fall. · Support the show – give from the USA or UK & Rest of the world · For U...

#104 Are good works evidence of saving faith?

10 Feb 2022

What are 'good works' and are they evidence of saving faith? What about Muslims who do better 'works' than Christians? Is it ok to 'show off' our good works on social media? And what is a healthy approach to work as a career?· Support the show – give...

#103 Vaccines, mandates and civil disobedience

3 Feb 2022

Should faith leaders speak out in favour of vaccines? Is it ok for Christians to disobey government mandates? What about pacifism? Tom answers these and more questions. · Support the show – give from the USA or UK & Rest of the world · For Unbeli...

#102 Does God predetermine everything?

27 Jan 2022

What does Tom think of the Calvinist view that God predetermines everything? What is his view on Open Theism? What about the idea that Christ only died for some people? These and more questions are explored in the lastest show. · Support the show – g...

#101 Sacrificial Love - NT Wright at London Bible Week

20 Jan 2022

Tom Wright speaks on 'Sacrificial Love' at London Bible Week in 2017. · Support the show – give from the USA or UK & Rest of the world· For bonus content, the newsletter, prize draws and to ask a question sign up at · Exclusiv...

#100 Jesus the revolutionary - NT Wright at London Bible Week

13 Jan 2022

Tom Wright speaks on 'Jesus the Revolutionary' at London Bible Week in 2017. · Support the show – give from the USA or UK & Rest of the world· For bonus content, the newsletter, prize draws and to ask a question sign up at · E...

#99 Jesus for everyone - NT Wright at London Bible Week

6 Jan 2022

Tom Wright speaks on 'Jesus for Everyone' at London Bible Week in 2017. · Support the show – give from the USA or UK & Rest of the world· For bonus content, the newsletter, prize draws and to ask a question sign up at · Exclus...

#98 Is it ok to be wealthy and go on nice holidays?

30 Dec 2021

How should Christians handle personal wealth in a way that honours God? Is it wrong to take time for myself and even go on nice holidays? And find out what Tom thinks about the failed European Super League!  · Support the show – give from the USA or...

#97 Christmas special - your Qs about Tom‘s life and work

23 Dec 2021

Tom answers listener questions about his role as Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall Oxford, his work habits and love of classical music... plus a Christmas question or two. · Support the show – give from the USA or UK & Rest of the world· Fo...

#96 Qs on Marriage - Help...I‘ve become a Christian but my partner isn‘t interested in getting married

16 Dec 2021

Does the church idolise marriage? I've become a Christian but my partner isn't interested in marriage - what should I do? What if I no longer respect my husband's views? Tom takes listener questions on marriage. · Support the show – give from the USA...

#95 Did it really happen? Questions on the reliability of the Bible

9 Dec 2021

How should we approach historical scholarship that undermines the Bible? Was early Christian persecution exaggerated? Did saints really rise from their graves as Matthew 27 claims? · Support the show – give from the USA or UK & Rest of the world·...

#94 Forgiveness - Is there an unforgivable sin? Can I forfeit God‘s forgiveness?

2 Dec 2021

Why don't we get a second chance at forgiveness when we die? Is God's forgiveness dependent on us forgiving others? Is blaspheming the Holy Spirit unforgivable? · Support the show – give from the USA or Rest of the world (and get the show e-book)· Fo...

#93 Gendered language and God as ‘father‘

25 Nov 2021

Why does the Bible use gendered language? Can I trust God as father when I was abused by mine? Should we pray to Jesus the son or God the father? Tom tackles these and more Qs. · Support the show – give from the USA or Rest of the world (and get the...

#92 Why are people evil? Could God be evil?

18 Nov 2021

Why are some people so totally evil? Is it possible that God could be evil? Will Satan and Jesus become friends again? Tom answers these and more questions from listeners on the subject of evil. · Support the show – give from the USA or Rest of the w...

#91 Tom‘s problems with Platonism

11 Nov 2021

NT Wright frequently mentions the problem of Christianity being infected by Platonism. But what does that mean? And what about parts of the New Testament that seem quite... Platonic? Tom answers listener Qs on the subject · Support the show – give fr...