Day 60 - Issue 36


READ: Luke 19:20-23 NLT
'To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.'
In the parable of the talents Jesus speaks of three servants who had been entrusted with some money. Two of them managed to multiply the original amount enormously and, when the King discovered this, he was thrilled. But the third servant played it safe. Very safe. He hid the money and ensured that he could return the money in full to the King. The King was furious and ordered that his safely preserved money should go to the most successful servant.
Jesus’ message is clear. Don’t play it safe! If God has given you a gift then use it. If you have a gift of caring, studying, administrating,
teaching, healing, praying, writing or whatever it may be, make sure that you are using that gift as productively as you possibly can. One day the Lord will ask you what you have done with the gift and you must expect a severe response if your answer will be that you played it safe, and did nothing with the gift.
It’s very tempting for all of us to look at our gifts and think that they don’t amount to much. We can all look at others and reflect that they are so much more gifted than we are. But that isn’t the point. You and I have been given a gift by God and he is looking to us to use it. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if many of you are thinking that’s all fine, but you don’t know what your gift is. Let me encourage you to pray about this and then talk with others. Most people who know you well will immediately identify what your gift is. I started preaching as a teenager because someone else identified that this was my gift. I would never, ever have put myself forward for this and I was really nervous when I first did so. But I am so grateful that they identified the gift and encouraged me.
Whatever you do, don’t play it safe. Make good use of whatever gift God has given you.

QUESTION: What’s your gift and how are you going to use it?
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for your generous gifts to us. Help us to make the most of them. Amen.

Released on 25 Mar 2021

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