December 15th - Luke 1:44-45


Luke 1:44-45

What an exquisitely beautiful moment this is! It seems that no one remained unmoved or unexcited about the news that Mary was going to give birth. Even the baby in Elizabeth’s womb wanted a piece of the action!

We can’t be entirely clear what the relationship was between Elizabeth and Mary but it is believed that Elizabeth was Mary’s aunt. Although they were very different in age they both had one thing in common – they were both going to give birth in extraordinary circumstances. Elizabeth was well past childbearing age and Mary hadn’t had a sexual relationship with a man. Both of them had been chosen by God to play an amazing part in his unfolding plans.

It’s the joy of this moment that I want us focus upon. The account of Jesus’ birth and the events that led up to it are full of joy. There are two wonderful songs in this chapter and they are both bubbling with joy. The first is Mary’s song, which is widely known as the Magnificat (vv46-55). Using many of the words that Hannah had, long ago, used when she was pregnant with Samuel, she rejoiced in God her Saviour for the way in which he had blessed her. And then later in the chapter Zechariah, Elizabeth’s husband, praised God for sending a mighty Saviour and for the part that his son,
John the Baptist, would play in preparing the way for Jesus (vv68-79).

On the night that Jesus was born, an angel made the announcement of the birth of Jesus to a group of astonished and terrified shepherds. The angel’s words were: “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people” (Luke 2:10).

Joy is much more than happiness. It has been helpfully said that happiness depends on something happening, but joy depends on a relationship. Happiness can be with us for a fleeting moment. It comes and then it’s quickly gone. But joy is very different because God’s nature is to be joyful and so, as we live in partnership with him, we experience something that is not dependent on circumstances. It depends on our openness to the Holy Spirit. When he fills our lives, joy is the inevitable result.

How would you describe the joy that you have experienced as a Christian?

Loving God, thank you for the joy that you are continually pouring into my life. Help me to share more of myself with you so that I will experience more of your joy. Amen

Released on 15 Dec 2023

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