December 21st - Luke 1:78-79


Luke 1:78-79

Tender mercy is an exquisite expression and takes us to the heart of the nature of God. Much of the Old Testament is an agonising description of God’s people’s rebellion against him. There were some good times, but they were few in number and rarely lasted long. Much of the time we find God’s people moaning, disobeying and chasing after other gods. It’s a tragic story and it would be completely understandable if God decided to judge his people severely and give up on them. But he didn’t because of his tender mercy. God chose to be generous and forgiving. And he chose to offer salvation not merely to his own people but to the whole world. That’s why he sent Jesus and his coming represented the start of a new day.

Darkness is a description that is often used in the Bible to describe the life of those who live in rebellion against God. The lack of light means that people stumble around and live lives that lack purpose and direction. Into such a world Jesus came to bring his light. In his gospel, John tells us nothing at all about the birth of Jesus, but he described his coming in terms of light. He wrote: “The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world” (John 1:9).

If you look at our world today it often looks as if the darkness has won. The horror of war; the millions of people who are migrants fleeing violence and injustice; the persecution of Christians in so many countries; the vast numbers of people dying each day of starvation. These are all horrific realities, but the truth is that the light still shines. John summed up the situation in this way – let us allow his words of truth to encourage us: “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it” (John 1:5).

Where do you see light shining in the darkness in your community?

Lord God, thank you that Jesus is the light of the world and still shines his light in our world today. Amen

Released on 21 Dec 2023

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