February 5th - Psalm 23:6


Psalm 23:6

David concluded this amazing psalm by looking to the future. He was confident that God’s love would be with him whatever it held.

The Hebrew word that is translated as “unfailing love” is hesed. Unfailing love is a good translation but it does not carry the full weight of this word, which is rooted in the covenant relationship that God enjoys with his people. Because God has committed himself to live in covenant with us, his mercy, love and kindness are absolutely secure.

We can therefore live our lives full of hope and confidence, not because there will be no challenges or difficulties in the future, but because we know that God’s unfailing love will pursue us whatever
it holds.

This profoundly affects the way we live today. Knowing that our future is secure in God’s hands enables us to live calmly and confidently, unburdened by anxiety about anything that might be to come.

This idea was also a key theme in Paul’s letters. So much so that he told the Philippians this: “For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better” (Philippians 1:21).

He was so confident of his Lord that he was sure the best was yet to be. He knew that whatever happened in the future, he would be enfolded by the love of Christ, and that absolutely nothing could separate him from that. I do hope that you have that same confidence as you look to your own future.

How often do you think about your long-term future and how does your faith shape those thoughts?

Lord, I thank you that I can look to the future with peace and confidence because your unfailing love will pursue me for time and eternity. Amen

Released on 5 Feb 2024

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