January 21st - 2 Corinthians 3:4-5


2 Corinthians 3:4-5

Qualifications are important. You can’t deny it. If I catch a train, I want to know the driver is qualified! When a surgeon operates on me, I want to know that they have passed all the appropriate exams. Paul addresses the crucial question of what qualifies someone to work for God. His work is of eternal importance, so
we need to know exactly what kind of qualifications are needed.

There are any number of excellent courses in biblical study, theology and Christian ministry available to us today, whether online or in person. It is wonderful that there are so many ways we can train to work for God. But don’t for a moment imagine that those paper qualifications are all you need. Ultimately, you need to know that God’s hand is upon your life and that he is directing, inspiring and enabling the work you are doing. Paul sums it up neatly: “Our qualification comes from God.”

I thank God for the privilege of studying at Bible college and for able scholars who helped me to understand how to interpret scripture. I even thank God for the exams that made sure I worked hard to remember large passages of the Bible and how to apply what I had been taught.

All of that was very valuable but none of it can, by itself, qualify someone to do God’s work. Whether you are a minister, pastoral worker, administrator, treasurer, youth worker, in a worship band or have some other role in the Christian community, what you need – before anything else – is to know that your confidence is in God alone. Look out for good courses to improve your knowledge and skills but your qualification lies in your relationship with God.

If you love God, how are you using that qualification to bless other people?

Dear Lord, I ask for your blessing upon all those whom you have called to work for you. Give them your wisdom, grace and strength today. Amen

Released on 21 Jan 2024

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