March 6th - James 5:1–2


James 5:1–2

You can almost see the steam coming out of James’ ears can’t you?! He was furious at the way in which rich people were abusing their position. His very specific gripe with them was that they had failed to pay their workmen for mowing their fields. For James this wasn’t a little economic problem. This was an evil that had reached the ears of God himself and the rich people were heading for certain judgement.

Let’s be clear that the Bible isn’t against rich people. However, God certainly is against anyone who abuses others. The Bible on many occasions reveals times when rich people have abused their position and exploited others. This was a major theme in the prophecy of Amos. He had particularly severe words for the women of Bashan in chapter 4:1: “You women who oppress the poor and crush the needy and who are always calling to your husbands, ‘Bring us another drink!’” These rich women lived in their charmed and privileged world, totally cut off from the suffering of the poor people on whose hard work their wealth depended. God tells the rich that he is not willing to listen to their worship. They need to change their actions and start acting justly.

Wealth, in itself, is a thoroughly good thing, because it is part of God’s creation. Our responsibility is to be good stewards of whatever God has put in our hands. In world terms there is a great deal of wealth in this country. Contrast that with the fact that more than a third of the world’s population lives on less than £2 a day and have no access to clean water. Whatever God has given us, we need to use it wisely and ensure that the most vulnerable are protected and cared for. James wants us to know that we all have a role to play in sharing God’s good gifts.

What do you own and how could you use it more effectively to help vulnerable people?

Thank you Lord for all my possessions. I recognise that they have come from your hands, and I ask your Holy Spirit to help me to use them in a way that will glorify your name. Amen

Released on 6 Mar 2024

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