November 6th - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20


1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Everything seemed to be going wrong in the Corinthian church. The Christians had become arrogant and were making up their own rules. There was, for example, a case of incest in the church and no action had been taken. There were also reports of Christians taking one another to court. It was all a horrible mess and Paul was eager to put things right. He was particularly concerned that the church should be clear in the matter of sexual ethics. This is not surprising in view of the reputation that Corinth had long possessed of being a hotbed for sexual promiscuity.

Our own society, just like Corinth, is characterised by the belief that anything goes sexually. What matters is the freedom of each individual to do what they think is best. Paul countered this kind of thinking by reminding his readers that their bodies were not their own, but gifts from God. They were, therefore, under an obligation to use their bodies in a way that pleased God. They couldn’t simply do whatever they chose.

People will often look at Paul’s teaching and suggest that he was limiting people’s freedom. In fact, he was increasing it. There are no chains stronger than the ones that hold people in a life of immorality and self-gratification. His teaching sets us free to live for God without guilt or shame, and to be able to enjoy the amazing bodies that God has given us to the full.

We need to remember that sex was God’s idea, and he gave us the precious gift of sexual relationships for our enjoyment. However, in common with every one of God’s gifts, it needs to be enjoyed in the right way. That’s precisely why God has given us the wonderful gift of marriage.

How does knowing that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit challenge and encourage you?

Loving God, thank you for the gift of my body. Help me always to see it as a precious gift from you, and to use it in a way that will honour you. Amen

Released on 6 Nov 2023

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