Be Still and Know

December 1st - 2 Peter 1:1

1 Dec 2023

2 Peter 1:1 Names are really interesting aren’t they? My own father was called Linley when he was born but people only ever knew him as Bob. The only time anybody tried to use his birth name was when he went into hospital as an old man, and it so...

November 30th - Psalm 25:4-5

30 Nov 2023

Psalm 25:4-5 Guidance is a recurring theme in the Psalms. David had a pressurised and complicated life. He knew that he was totally dependent on the Lord to guide him. That meant that he needed to keep close to God in order to hear his guidance c...

November 29th - Psalm 19:1-4

29 Nov 2023

Psalm 19:1-4 As soon as I hear these words the majestic chorus from Josef Haydn’s oratorio ‘The Creation’ fills my mind. David was rejoicing because he recognised that we only have to look at God’s amazing work of creation to know what sort of Go...

November 28th - Psalm 18:1-3

28 Nov 2023

Psalm 18:1-3 Think for a moment of the biggest success you’ve had in your life. It might have been a sporting, academic, business or family success but it’s a moment you will never forget. In this psalm we meet David as he reflects on the incredi...

November 27th - Psalm 16:5-6

27 Nov 2023

Psalm 16:5-6 David wrote this psalm at a time when he was in constant danger. King Saul was after him and in human terms he was totally insecure. He had been driven away from his home, knowing that at any moment he might be killed by the king or...

November 26th - Matthew 7:9-11

26 Nov 2023

Matthew 7:9-11 This way of teaching was typical of the Jewish rabbis. It’s amusing and forces home the point with incredible power. Jesus was saying that if we, as very imperfect parents, manage to give good things to our children, it is absolute...

November 25th - Matthew 7:7

25 Nov 2023

Matthew 7:7 It’s interesting to hear how often people say things like: “My problems were so great all I could do was pray”, as if prayer is an activity confined to desperate situations. But these words of Jesus make it plain that he is eager for...

November 24th - Matthew 7:1-2

24 Nov 2023

Matthew 7:1-2 I wonder whether you have ever lived in an atmosphere of harsh criticism and even condemnation. It’s a horrible place to be and I have known many people whose lives have been disfigured by it. Tragically, the criticism has sometimes...

November 23rd - Proverbs 6:16-19

23 Nov 2023

Proverbs 6:16-19 We spend a lot of time talking and singing about the fact that God is a God of love. That’s absolutely right, but we shouldn’t forget that God also has a list of pet hates. None of the things on this list come as a surprise. God...

November 22nd - Proverbs 6:9-11

22 Nov 2023

Proverbs 6:9-11 Fridge magnets often contain a lot of wisdom, and laziness is quite a popular theme. With pictures of slumbering cats, I enjoyed the following three: “If I won the award for laziness, I would send someone to pick it up for me”; “F...

November 21st - Proverbs 4:18-19

21 Nov 2023

Proverbs 4:18-19 All parents long for their children to be happy and to have a good life. Here a father gives loads of very practical advice to his children. At the heart of it is the need to make good decisions and to choose the right way. The w...

November 20th - Proverbs 3:27-28

20 Nov 2023

Proverbs 3:27-28 Mark Twain, the American writer, said: “Never put off till tomorrow what may be done the day after tomorrow just as well.” I suspect that we can all identify things that we love to put off. It may be an essay, or our tax return o...

November 19th - 1 Corinthians 13:8-10

19 Nov 2023

1 Corinthians 13:8-10 The church in Corinth had clearly got really excited about the spiritual gifts. The gifts of speaking in tongues and prophecy were being exercised with enthusiasm. We sense that, in their excitement, there was some competiti...

November 18th - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

18 Nov 2023

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 I have no doubt that we all aim to be loving people. So I wonder how accurately this list of love’s attributes describes you. I suspect that the truth is that we all find this list somewhat painful. Yes, we would love to be l...

November 17th - 1 Corinthians 12:31

17 Nov 2023

1 Corinthians 12:31 In this chapter, Paul spent a long time carefully describing the spiritual gifts that God has given to his Church. The church in Corinth had become very excited about the gifts but they needed clear guidance as to how they sho...