Chris takes a look at what it means for Christians to be described as the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world”. Chris Hill presents this 10-part series exploring the key part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel.
Chris brings more insight from the Sermon on the Mount on how Christians can go about being salt and light in the world. Chris Hill presents this 10-part series exploring the key part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel.
In the final part of this series, Chris issues a call to action to Christians to go out and share the Gospel with the world. Chris Hill presents this 10-part series exploring the key part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, as recorded in Matthew’s Gospel.
Be prepared to take-off! In chapter 15, Jesus prepares his disciples for conflict.
Michael begins his exploration of the different titles Jesus goes by in the Bible with Jesus the servant king. Canon Michael Cole leads this series of Bible studies based on chapters 13 to 17 of John’s Gospel. First broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 2001.
What did Jesus mean when he referred to himself as “the Way, the Truth and the Life”? Canon Michael Cole leads this series of Bible studies based on chapters 13 to 17 of John’s Gospel. First broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 2001.
Continuing in chapter 14, Jesus prepares his disciples for the coming Holy Spirit. Canon Michael Cole leads this series of Bible studies based on chapters 13 to 17 of John’s Gospel. First broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 2001.
Michael looks at what Jesus meant when he called himself the true vine. Canon Michael Cole leads this series of Bible studies based on chapters 13 to 17 of John’s Gospel. First broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 2001.
In John Chapters 16 and 17, we see Jesus as both the praying Lord and the Giver of Joy. Canon Michael Cole leads this series of Bible studies based on chapters 13 to 17 of John’s Gospel. First broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 2001.
Jesus reveals the partnership between faith and prayer. Canon Michael Cole leads this series of Bible studies based on chapters 13 to 17 of John’s Gospel. First broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 2001.
In the final part of the series, Colin explores what John’s epistle has to say about the Holy Spirit and victory over sin. Colin Urquhart leads this four-part series of Bible studies based on the first letter of John. First broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 1999.
The theme for this third lesson is love for God and for others. John is quite clear in his epistle: if a Christian claims to loves God, they should love their brothers and sisters also. Colin Urquhart leads this four-part series of Bible studies based on the first letter of John. First broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 1999.
Faith and the Word of Truth. With the first Epistle of John as his text, Colin teaches on listening to the Holy Spirit for wise counsel. Colin Urquhart leads this four-part series of Bible studies based on the first letter of John. First broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 1999.
In the opening lesson in the series, Colin explores what 1 John tells us about the nature of God as revealed through Jesus Christ, and what that means for us as Christians. Colin Urquhart leads this four-part series of Bible studies based on the first letter of John. First broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 1999.
Faith begins her study with an account of the book’s history, and then gives a list of the characteristics of a good shepherd. A two-part study in the book of Jude by Faith Forster, co-founder of the Ichthus Christian Fellowship. First broadcast on Premier Christian Radio in 1998.