Daily Hope with Pastor Rick Warren

Weekdays from 6:30pm

God’s Promises About Your Future - Part 2

2 Jan 2024

If love is the motivation for everything you do, then you’ll be able to live out your purpose in the face of fear. Join Pastor Rick for today’s broadcast about God’s promises for your future.

God’s Promises About Your Future - Part 1

1 Jan 2024

Many people think faith is the opposite of fear. It’s not! The opposite of fear is love. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why real love—God’s love—will chase away your fear.

How Jesus Treats His Sheep

31 Dec 2023

The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and that we are his sheep. But what does this metaphor actually mean, and how does it benefit our lives? In this message at Saddleback Church, Pastor Rick Warren shares 5 benefits you will receive from having Jesus as your shepherd and discover how letting Jesus guide you will help you conquer your daily problems.

God’s Promises About Giving - Part 3

29 Dec 2023

The Bible says you determine how much God blesses your life: “The amount you give will determine the amount you get back” (Luke 6:38 NLT). Join Pastor Rick as he continues to teach on God’s promises about giving.

God’s Promises About Giving - Part 2

28 Dec 2023

The truth is that we can’t out-give God. When we learn to be generous with others as God is generous with us, he promises to bless us with more and in a variety of ways. Join Pastor Rick as he teaches on God’s promises about giving.

God’s Promises About Giving - Part 1

27 Dec 2023

Does your life revolve around giving away what God has blessed you with? Is it marked by a joyous desire to grab hold of God’s promises as you let go of earthly things? This message by Pastor Rick will help you answer these questions.

The Purpose of Christmas - Part 2

26 Dec 2023

Christmas is all about peace on earth and good will toward others. But there will never be peace on earth until there is peace in us. In this message, Pastor Rick talks about the peace Jesus came to bring and how to let the Prince of Prince reign in our hearts.

The Purpose of Christmas - Part 1

25 Dec 2023

At Christmas, we have more parties than any other time of the year. Yet often, the Guest of Honor is left out of the party. Pastor Rick shows us in this message why Christmas is good news of great joy for everyone and why Jesus should be the focus of our celebrations.

Jesus Came to Light Up Your Life - Part 3

22 Dec 2023

No matter where you’re from, you have something in common with everyone else in the world: hidden wounds. None of us have it all together! Pastor Rick shows us in this message why we needed Jesus to come at Christmas to heal our hurts and offer us new, abundant, and eternal life.

Jesus Came to Light Up Your Life - Part 1

20 Dec 2023

Before you were born, God planned a purpose for your life. He wants you to know and live out your purpose— and that’s why he came at Christmas! Pastor Rick teaches in this message why we need Jesus to light up our minds with truth so that we can know his purpose.

When God Changes Your Plans - Part 3

19 Dec 2023

When Mary and Joseph’s plans were turned upside-down, they didn’t have all the promises from the Bible that we do today to help them have faith. Pastor Rick helps you understand through this message what God is doing when he changes your plans and how he wants you to respond.

When God Changes Your Plans - Part 2

18 Dec 2023

God’s plans will always be better than yours—and that’s why he sometimes messes up the plans you were making for your life. In this message, Pastor Rick explains how to have faith that God is changing your plans for the better.

The God of My Valleys

17 Dec 2023

Psalm 23 teaches that God is not just the God of your mountaintop experiences; he also journeys through the valleys with you. When you’re facing problems, conflict, grief, fear, or failure, God is there with you. He guides you down the right paths and, ultimately, creates good from your valley. In this message from Psalm 23, Pastor Rick Warren teaches about the kinds of valleys you encounter and how to walk through them with confidence.

How To Keep Your Tank Filled Instead of Running on Empty - Part 2

8 Dec 2023

One reason we often feel overloaded is because we’re trying to control things too much. Sometimes we act this way without realizing it. In this broadcast, Pastor Rick teaches the importance of staying in step with Jesus, the One who loves us and has great things in store for us!

How To Keep Your Tank Filled Instead of Running on Empty - Part 1

7 Dec 2023

What does Jesus say when we come to him with an emptiness in our lives—an empty soul, an empty heart, an empty character? How does he respond when we tell him we have nothing to give? Join Pastor Rick as he reminds you that God will never scold you or turn you away; he will always say, “Come to me.”