Hope Beyond Our Trials


In 1 Peter 4:12–19, the apostle Peter offers an unexpected antidote for the disease of suffering: rejoicing! Peter could rejoice because he knew that he could depend on God to carry him through the most debilitating trials. Receive Pastor Chuck Swindoll exhortation to live with grace under pressure.

Released on 14 Jul 2023

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Hope Beyond Religion: A Job Description for Shepherds, Part 1

14 Jul 2023

The apostle Peter didn’t see himself as the powerful CEO of the early church. Instead, he saw himself as a humble shepherd overseeing God’s dear sheep. A godly leader has the responsibility to care for and to protect his flock. Peter embraced this perspective, and in 1 Peter 5:1–4, he encouraged other Christian ministers to pursue a lifestyle of humility and love. Hear Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s call to embrace the way of the shepherd. Scripture ref: 1 Peter 5:1-4

Hope Beyond Religion: A Job Description for Shepherds, Part 2

14 Jul 2023

The apostle Peter didn’t see himself as the powerful CEO of the early church. Instead, he saw himself as a humble shepherd overseeing God’s dear sheep. A godly leader has the responsibility to care for and to protect his flock. Peter embraced this perspective, and in 1 Peter 5:1–4, he encouraged other Christian ministers to pursue a lifestyle of humility and love. Hear Pastor Chuck Swindoll’s call to embrace the way of the shepherd. Scripture ref: 1 Peter 5:1-4

Hope Beyond Dissatisfaction: A Formula That Brings Relief, Part 1

14 Jul 2023

Many people worship the god of success, sacrificing their time, energy, and focus to achieve their dreams of “the good life.” The closer they get to it, however, the more elusive it becomes. Those who worship this idol believe that enough success will eventually bring happiness, satisfaction, and relief. Pastor Chuck Swindoll advises you to pursue eternal significance and be truly well-off in God’s eyes. Scripture ref: 1 Peter 5: 5-7