Prelude to the Unveiling - Part 2


Revelation begins with a promise of blessing to those who read and heed its message—a message delivered from Jesus Christ. Join Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he illumines Revelation 1:1–8 and spotlights the Alpha and Omega, the only One who truly knows what lies ahead. Understand your place in God’s divine timeline as you follow along with Revelation’s portrayal of the past, present, and future. Find assurance in these important truths . . . that Jesus redeemed us by His blood and is coming again

Released on 29 Feb 2024

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The Curtain Rises, the Drama Begins

1 Mar 2024

Drawing from Revelation 1:9–20, Pastor Chuck Swindoll analyses the supernatural vision given to the apostle John. The revelator had walked with Jesus during His earthly ministry, was charged to care for Jesus’ mother, Mary, and came upon the empty tomb with Peter! Now, take in the special sights and sounds of eternity that John conveys. At the centre of John’s vision, discover the central figure, Jesus, who reveals His accomplished work on the cross and His victorious rule.

The Curtain Rises, the Drama Begins - Part 1

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Drawing from Revelation 1:9–20, Pastor Chuck Swindoll analyses the supernatural vision given to the apostle John. The revelator had walked with Jesus during His earthly ministry, was charged to care for Jesus’ mother, Mary, and came upon the empty tomb with Peter! Now, take in the special sights and sounds of eternity that John conveys. At the centre of John’s vision, discover the central figure, Jesus, who reveals His accomplished work on the cross and His victorious rule.

The Curtain Rises, the Drama Begins - Part 2

5 Mar 2024

Drawing from Revelation 1:9–20, Pastor Chuck Swindoll analyses the supernatural vision given to the apostle John. The revelator had walked with Jesus during His earthly ministry, was charged to care for Jesus’ mother, Mary, and came upon the empty tomb with Peter! Now, take in the special sights and sounds of eternity that John conveys. At the centre of John’s vision, discover the central figure, Jesus, who reveals His accomplished work on the cross and His victorious rule.