Like a captivating drama, Revelation unfolds with otherworldly characters, high stakes, and powerful players. However, this intriguing story is not fiction but a glimpse into the future. Listen in as Pastor Chuck Swindoll makes accessible the rich message of Revelation in this helpful introductory overview. Discover three practical tips to help you interpret the book’s meaning. But more importantly, receive unquenchable hope in anticipation of the reality to come when this world crowns its true King.
How easy is it to be a people-pleaser! It’s natural to want to be liked by others, but an unbalanced desire leads to poor choices. During his final trials, Jesus encountered the Roman governor Pontius Pilate. Attempting to appease an angry mob, Pilate approved the torture and crucifixion of Jesus even though he knew that Jesus was innocent. Examine Pilate’s choices with Pastor Chuck Swindoll and allow God to search your own heart to weed out the fear of man.
Discover more details surrounding the unjust arrest and trial of Jesus Christ in Scripture with Pastor Chuck Swindoll. Be in awe of the righteous Son of God.
Discover more details surrounding the unjust arrest and trial of Jesus Christ in Scripture with Pastor Chuck Swindoll. Be in awe of the righteous Son of God.
Discover more details surrounding the unjust arrest and trial of Jesus Christ in Scripture with Pastor Chuck Swindoll. Be in awe of the righteous Son of God.
Few offenses sting more than betrayal. When someone you trust turns against you, the pain can burn for years. Jesus felt this pain of betrayal, and yet He was neither bitter nor at a loss for what to do. Judas, one of Jesus’ closest confidantes whom Jesus had loved and taught for years, turned His master over to the Jewish leaders for a pocketful of coins. Listen as Pastor Chuck Swindoll shares valuable lessons from Judas’ betrayal and Jesus’ choice to entrust Himself to the Father.
Abide in Christ today with Pastor Chuck Swindoll and explore the imagery of the vine and branches in John 15:1–11. The Master Gardener can produce wonderful fruit through you.
Search the Scriptures with Pastor Chuck Swindoll to determine what God says about healing and come to trust the ultimate Healer.
Search the Scriptures with Pastor Chuck Swindoll to determine what God says about healing and come to trust the ultimate Healer.
Search the Scriptures with Pastor Chuck Swindoll to determine what God says about healing and come to trust the ultimate Healer.
Journey through the gospel of John with Pastor Chuck Swindoll and behold the astonishing power of Jesus Christ.
Each of our lives is unique, but one stark commonality is that everyone will die eventually. Despite our futile efforts, no amount of perfect planning, care, or work can guarantee a long life. But God doesn’t want His people dreading their end. Rather, He wants them to enjoy the good world He created. He wants them to live abundantly! Embrace a life of abundance with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he points to the reason for hope in the Word. A life of eternal satisfaction awaits you in Jesus Christ.
Stand in awe of the Savior with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he remembers the miracle of Jesus’ life in Scripture.
At the original Christmas, Jesus’ birth was met with angelic songs of celebration. The joy of these heavenly songs, however, need not fade. Those who encounter Jesus continue to be amazed and filled with hope. Stand in awe of the Saviour with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he remembers the miracle of Jesus’ life in Scripture.
At the original Christmas, Jesus’ birth was met with angelic songs of celebration. The joy of these heavenly songs, however, need not fade. Those who encounter Jesus continue to be amazed and filled with hope. Stand in awe of the Savior with Pastor Chuck Swindoll as he remembers the miracle of Jesus’ life in Scripture.