This sermon was broadcast on Premier Christian Radio on Friday 19th July.
This sermon was broadcast on Premier Christian Radio on Thursday 18th July.
This sermon was broadcast on Premier Christian Radio on Wednesday 17th July.
This sermon was broadcast on Premier Christian Radio on Tuesday 16th July.
This sermon was broadcast on Premier Christian Radio on Monday 15th July.
Elijah having listened to the word of God desired to walk in the ways of God. God’s word guides concerning the step ahead. Elijah was guided by the word of God.
Before Elijah went to heaven, he spent his last days listening to the word God. Right up to the point God brought His servant to heaven, Elijah desired to hear God’s word. Therefore, Christian until the Lord calls you to heaven listen to the word of God, hear the word of God as it is preached.
King Ahaziah having send his messengers in search of a false, instead were met by Elijah the man of God. The message sent back to King Ahaziah was that he would die due to his sins and evil ways. King Ahaziah refused to trust in Christ for life, and as a result died in his sin, to be judged in hell for all eternity.
King Ahaziah was sick and restricted to his bed, he wanted to know if he would recover of his sickness. His response was to send his messenger to seek a false god, man made idol and pray to it asking such a question. King Ahaziah did not seek the Lord who is the creator and Judge of all people, and the Saviour of all who trust in Him. A true response must be to seek the Lord for His forgiveness.
King Ahaziah was sick and restricted to his bed. He wanted to know if he would recover. However, as he walked in the evil ways of his father Ahab he died in his sin.
Elijah delivered the Lord’s message to King Ahab that in the days of his son Ahaziah, God will bring his wicked reign to an end resulting in the death of Ahaziah. The message to Ahaziah was thou shalt surely die. Ahaziah died in sin and cast into eternal hell. How important to receive eternal life offered by Christ.
King Ahab died as he lived without faith in Christ. The message was delivered he would die in battle and he did. None can escape death but all can be prepared for death by trusting Christ as the only Saviour of sinners, to reject to great salvation is to perish.
King Ahab deceived himself into thinking that outward expressions would give favour with God. Ahab followed and served his false idols and refused to confess Jehovah the only true and living Saviour.
King Ahab performed many deeds that gave the impression he humbled himself before God, however in examining his life, Ahab still rejected Jehovah as the only true and living Saviour. He followed his idols.
King Ahab gave the impression that he has turned from sin by performing certain signs used by other sin the Bibel to symbolise a Turing from sim. However, Ahab’s impression was false because it was outward show, there was no inward change of the gospel. Ahab denied the gospel.