At the time of the year when we consider resolutions, Jeff shares his one resolution for 2023 - and that is an intentional choice to be available to God.
Join Jeff as he prepares for Christmas
This last week it was reported that Christians are now in the minority in the UK. In the light of that news, join Jeff as he considers a challenged given by the Archbishop of York - that we all, in word and deed, work to make Jesus known.
This week, in America and Canada, the annual holiday of thanksgiving has been celebrated. Join Jeff to consider how we should live thankful lives, even when life is tough and how thankfulness, year-round, is good for our health.
Join Jeff Lucas as he uses his own unique brand of humour and storytelling to help us understand God's truth, whatever life throws at us.
You really wouldn’t think it would be so difficult, just putting your foot on the break of life, yet sometimes, it’s essential and waiting, is part of the deal too.
Join Jeff Lucas as he uses his own unique brand of humour and storytelling to help us understand God's truth, whatever life throws at us.
Join Jeff Lucas as he uses his own unique brand of humour and storytelling to help us understand God's truth, whatever life throws at us.
Join Jeff Lucas as he uses his own unique brand of humour and storytelling to help us understand God's truth, whatever life throws at us.
Join Jeff Lucas as he uses his own unique brand of humour and storytelling to help us understand God's truth, whatever life throws at us.
Join Jeff Lucas as he uses his own unique brand of humour and storytelling to help us understand God's truth, whatever life throws at us.
Join Jeff Lucas as he uses his own unique brand of humour and storytelling to help us understand God's truth, whatever life throws at us.
Perhaps you’ve noticed it too. Our news bulletins seem to be crammed packed with bad news. While we don’t want to put our heads in the sand, too much bad news can seriously affect the mind and the soul. This Sunday join Jeff for a show which contains...
We're all consumers. We're clear about what we like, we want life to be done our way. But what if that attitude prevails in our local churches, and we become customers rather than congregants? Join Jeff Lucas as he considers the challenge of church c...
This last week, the hugely popular singer and actor Olivia Newton John passed away. As tributes poured in, there was one word that so many used to describe her - it was her kindness. This week, on Lucas on Life, Jeff consider how we can change the wo...