Clash of cultures with Kancha IIaiah Shepherd


Welcome to Babel Undone - a podcast committed to helping Christians learn from each other, regardless of where in the world we're from.
In the latest episode we hear what God is doing in India. It's one of the most populated countries on earth and Kancha IIaiah Shepherd is one of its most prominent thinkers and activists. As a child he grew up in a sheep-grazing community and was inspired by his mother to break out of his sub-caste and fight against the discriminatroy behaviour they suffered. He went on to gain a masters in political science from the Osmania University in Hyderbad. His book The Clash of Cultures exposes the reality of life for Dalits living in India.
Babel Undone is produced by Premier. For more podcasts which help Christians grow in their faith head to
This podcast is created in partnership with the Good Shepherd Church of India. For more details head to

Released on 29 Feb 2024

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