Understanding anti-semitism (part 2) with Natan Sharansky


Welcome to Babel Undone - a podcast committed to helping Christians learn from each other, regardless of where in the world we're from.

In the latest episode we hear from Natan Sharansky, a man, who for many needs no introduction. Primarily he is known as a writer and human rights activist.

As a young man he was targetted by the KGB for speaking out on behalf of dissents of the Soviet Union later spending 9 years in prison for treason frequently experiencing periods of solitary confinement. After he was released he moved to Israel, becoming a politician for the Israeil government and is now Chairman of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy.

This podcast was recorded prior to the events of October 7th in which Israel was attacked by Hamas.

Babel Undone is produced by Premier. For more podcasts which help Christians grow in their faith head to www.premier.plus/podcasts

This podcast is created in partnership with the Good Shepherd Church of India. For more details head to www.gsi.org

Released on 11 Jan 2024

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