Bill Johnson shares a powerful, timely message on what it looks like to reign in life and walk in truth. The enemy will attempt to make you question what God has said and who He says you are. But by building a foundation of faith on God's Word and th...
God designed women to have a unique power, strength, and calling in this world. Havilah Cunnington blesses us with insight, testimony, and instruction for embracing the power of women and the nurturing nature they carry.
You were designed by the grand Designer. Journey into the divinity of God's design for us with Bill Johnson. Come away more developed and equipped for deeper relationship with the Father.
Grace is both the foundation we live upon and the sea that moves us. Safe, yet radical, grace propels us toward King Jesus. Lean into the majesty of grace with Dann Farrelly in this powerful Sunday morning message.
Everything is connected by Jesus, who is resurrection life, Himself. Bill Johnson weaves a revelatory message through Mark 16, threading hope, life, and divine insight into this Resurrection Sunday.
Learn how to face uncertain times with Havilah Cunnington, and move from bondage to breakthrough. Soak up prophetic wisdom and understand the importance of living with the future in mind—the best is yet to come!
It’s vital that we live in a place of hunger and surrender but also thankfulness for what God has done. Bill Johnson teaches an influential message on the purification of surrendering to God. Learn what it means to have a baptism of fire and to live...
Grace allows us to realize that every aspect of life is a gift given to us out of the love of our heavenly Father. Dann Farrelly teaches an influential message on the transformation of grace. Learn to recognize the atmosphere of grace around you.
We are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. We are here to bless our communities, add flavor, and give context for people to belong and to find meaning. Bill Johnson delivers a transformative message about our design and purpose as belie...
What we do in our lifetime matters to God and has eternal significance. Kris Vallotton preaches a powerful message on living for eternity. The decisions you make today forged in eternity.
What you think about God is the most important thing about you. Chris Cruz explains that Jesus is the path to understanding who God is so that we can come before Him as His children. The cross did not make it so that God could love you, the cross hap...
God did not design prayer as a Christian activity that simply occupies our time. Prayer was designed for us to engage with the heart of the Father. Bill Johnson uses Jesus’ demonstration of prayer in Mathew 6:9-13 to teach about God’s design for a th...
Transformation doesn't come from surrendering your heart; it comes from surrendering your beliefs. Steve Backlund delivers an encouraging message about the power of declarations. Our experiences will catch up to our beliefs—the gap time between the t...
Complaining distorts our view of reality, but the measure of what we receive from God can be set by what we proclaim. In this powerful message, Bill Johnson teaches on the power of our declarations. Learn to speak the language of Heaven to shift real...
Our prayer life should be based on the fact that we are known, loved, and cherished by a beloved Father. Dann Farrelly delivers a powerful message on the importance of grace as the foundation for prayer. It's from the place of intimacy and connection...