Bethel Redding Sermon of the Week

How Revival Reorients Us to His Presence

6 Dec 2020

When a follower of Jesus gets too far from the fire of God’s Presence they try to complete in the flesh what was started by the Spirit. Chris Cruz teaches us the value of God’s Presence in the midst of the temptation of self-sufficiency.

The Foundation of Reformation

29 Nov 2020

Bill Johnson concludes the series “God of Reformation” by teaching about repentance and compassion through the historical cities Nineveh, Sodom, and Gomorrah. Repentance is at the heart and soul of every move of God.

The Promise of Peace

22 Nov 2020

Pastor Bill Johnson shares a heartfelt message, reminding us of the sweet reassurance we have in Jesus no matter what circumstances we face. Peace, prosperity, and well being is on the mind of God for us.

Light of the World

15 Nov 2020

Pastor Kris unpacks the mandate on the Church to bring the light and hope of Jesus to our cities and nations. In previous ideologies from Christian history, this idea that the Rapture was coming soon caused the Church to pull away from the world as m...

The Next Reformation

8 Nov 2020

As the next part of the Year of Awakening series, Pastor Eric Johnson kicks off our ‘God of Reformation’ focus, encouraging us that the agape love of God was never meant to just be observed by humanity, but experienced and partaken in by humanity. Th...

Choose Your War

1 Nov 2020

The spirit of entitlement often hides in the need for justice. Bill Johnson teaches on the battleground over our hearts. We must not lose our values when we are loving the world around us.

Providence: The Divine X Factor

25 Oct 2020

God uses trials to test where we have our faith. Kris Vallotton teaches us that God ultimately is in control of our destiny. Our faith is in the Promiser, not only the promise.

Living Without Options

18 Oct 2020

Not displaying the resurrection of Jesus through miracles, signs, and wonders is to withhold from people the opportunity to believe. Bill Johnson challenges us to live in such a way that the resurrection of Chris is displayed in our actions. This lif...

Son-Glasses: How We Listen

27 Sep 2020

It is not only important what we listen but also how we listen. Kris Vallotton teaches on the importance of the lenses we process life through. May we see through the eyes of Christ.

Ongoing Transformation

20 Sep 2020

The way of ongoing transformation is to embrace love in all circumstances. Dann Farrelly, Bethel Associate Pastor and Dean of BSSM, provides an in-depth analysis of the book of Romans.

Choose Your Stronghold

13 Sep 2020

Trust is essential to our relationship with God. Bill Johnson delivers an impactful message on overcoming mental strongholds and trusting in God. Walk with Jesus as he releases grace to be free from all strongholds.

The Future of Our Faith

6 Sep 2020

Signs and wonders are central to our faith. Eric Johnson encourages us to be equipped to share and live out our faith in a world that may not have an awareness of God. The future of our faith depends on our ability to understand the power of God.

God of Transformation: Completely Changed by Forgiveness

30 Aug 2020

This message is part 4 of the series, God of Transformation. Candace Johnson shares with us that transformation leads us to love and forgiveness. When we encounter God it is impossible to not transform to a greater lover and forgiver.

God of Transformation: Transformed Mind, Transformed Nation

23 Aug 2020

This message is part 3 of the series, God of Transformation. Bill Johnson teaches about the renewed mind and its role in transformation. A transformed mind transforms a person and a transformed person transforms a city.

God of Transformation: Letting Go

16 Aug 2020

This message is part 2 of the series, God of Transformation. Eric Johnson gives us tools to posture ourselves to experience transformation. God doesn’t only care about our eternity, He also cares about our now.