God desires our family to be connected and whole. Kris Vallotton shares with us healthy ways to communicate with family. Let us create a safe place for our family to thrive in our lives.
Are you growing your faith? Eric Johnson challenges us to learn how to steward our faith, personally. Every believer on the planet has access to live a life of great faith!
Fathers live for more than themselves. Kris Vallotton continues his series of a fatherhood movement sweeping the earth. God is moving the hearts of fathers to return to their sons.
It is in God's Presence when we are healed. In part 3 of the series Hello Future, Eric Johnson shares with us the importance of walking in God's Presence. May we learn about both the weightiness and playfulness of God our Father.
God desires us to be a people who move forward into the future with His presence as our priority over what He has promised. In this message, Eric continues his “Hello Future” series as he takes us through the life of Moses to show how one moment of c...
Jesus destroyed the power of darkness. Bill Johnson shares with us the principles of warfare that equip us to implement the victory Jesus already paid for us. We fight from victory not for victory.
Live your life intentionally. Eric Johnson teaches on the subject of time and how God has called us to steward it. Let us redeem time to advance the Kingdom of God!
Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Pastor Bill Johnson shares with us how to contend for breakthrough with our words. We were created in His image and He spoke the world into being. Let us declare with confidence that God will do the impo...
God designed mothers and fathers with distinct and equally critical roles in the family unit. Kris Vallotton gives clarity to the father's role explaining how and why fatherhood is a critical part to have healthy families.
The Bible says God looks at the heart. Candace Johnson goes through scripture to share the value of our heart to God. Let's live from our heart and believe God has great things in store for 2019.
Hope deferred can make a heart sick, but a promise fulfilled is a tree of life. Bill Johnson teaches about how promises fulfilled reveal God and our destiny. Let's pray hard and take risks this year to see the breakthrough God has for all of us.
Pain is not something we should ignore. When nothing else works, sometimes our only option is to go through it all alone with God. Eric Johnson vulnerably shares a recent process he was going through to understand the peace of God. God is with us and...
Are you qualified to do what God has planned for your life? Bill Johnson challenges us that the call on our lives is so big that we need God to make the impossible possible. Let us partner with His word and promise over our life to fulfill all that H...
Bill Johnson shares about liberty from the parable of the workers in the vineyard. Bill walks us through the importance of recognizing Divine favor in other's lives and avoiding jealousy.
How do you know if you have a renewed mind? Kris Vallotton passionately shares multiple attributes of a renewed mind and the neuropathways we take during our everyday. God is inviting us to think differently and learn to live with his perspective.