Faith In Parents #134 | The Gift of Grandparenthood


Cross the generations, building relationships with grandchildren, supporting their parents and praying passionately for them.Whether they are far away or in your local church, whether they are your biological grandchildren or someone else's, there is a role for the older generation to play in raising children to know Christ.Hear about the stretch to understand their passions, the deep ache of love for them and the trans-Atlantic conferences, with only a passing mention of knitting.People:Ed Drew - is the Director of Faith in KidsAmy Smith - is a writer for Faith in Kids.Martyn and Angela Thompson - Martyn worked in HR and Angela was a paediatrician. They have 2 children and 4 grandchildren and share a deep love for grandparenting . Martyn and Angela feel blessed to lead this new and evolving Grandparenting Ministry at Moulton Parish Church and beyond. They believe that a community of caring grandparents can learn together and encourage one another on this extraordinary journey.Resources:‘Grandparenting with grace’ by Larry McColl Grandparenting Conference: Saturday 9th March 2024, Saturday October 12th 2024 at Moulton Parish Church. Email: [email protected] Quote at 27mins was evidenced from a book review of the New England Journal of Medicine, May 1986 of "Productive Ageing: Enhancing Vitality in Later Life" by Butler and Gleason, NY, showing that the most productive age in human life is between 60-70 years followed by 70-80 years.Our brand new “Growing Up” Resources are out NOW for parents and churches to use together as we help our children grow up in today’s world, with God’s word as their guide. Head to for all the details on this excellent series. They’re growing up fast so come on, let’s share God’s good story.Support the Show.

Released on 7 Feb 2024

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