How many people enjoy their regular, everyday life? Today, Joyce shares the keys to enjoying your life, every single day.
Jesus paid the ultimate price for us so that we can live free from condemnation, once and for all. Join Joyce today to learn more about what it means to be forgiven, once and for all.
Jesus has done so much for us, but we cannot enjoy that until we let go of the old, and embrace the new life Jesus died to give us. Join Joyce today as she shares ways of breaking free from being overly rigid and judgmental.
One of the biggest challenges Christians face is to live a holy life without becoming overly rigid and judgmental with their faith. Today, Joyce discusses the difference between the old covenant law and new covenant grace.
Searching for God's perfect plan? Today, Joyce shares how to stop stressing out and start walking out God's exact path for you, one step at a time.
Do you ever find yourself trying to make something happen, rather than simply trusting God? Today, Joyce shares the keys to eliminating the guesswork and find God's purpose for your life.
Are you ready to discover God's will for your life? Today, Joyce, Ginger, and Erin discuss practical ways to stay peaceful as you pursue God's plan for your life.
As Christians, we sometimes find ourselves overlooking certain issues like jealousy, envy, or greed. Find out what the Bible has to say about those issues and more.
Jealousy, envy, and greed can lead to significant issues in your life! Today, Joyce discusses some of the "minor" sins and what the Bible has to say about sin in general.
What is a perfect heart? One thing is for sure, it has nothing to do with our performance! Today, Joyce concludes this three-part teaching on the characteristics of a perfect heart for God.
Your spiritual condition of your heart is key to experiencing God's great plan for your life. Today, Joyce shares the traits of a "perfect heart" and how it aligns with God's purpose and plan for your life.
Are you striving for perfection in your everyday life? Today, Joyce discusses the traits of having a perfect heart devoted to Jesus.
Contentment doesn't come from the things of this world. Join Joyce today and discover the joy of loving God with your whole heart and pursuing His Kingdom.
God gives us spiritual eyes to perceive what is beyond the natural world. Join Joyce today as she teaches on the unseen and eternal truths of God.
Are you ready for positive change in your life? Today, Joyce reveals how intentionally loving others can unlock the abundant joy God desires for all our lives.