Jamie Barki: The Role of a Mom On Board


Jamie Barki is a mom of three children who lives in Oklahoma. When her children were 3, 5, and 7 years old, Jamie and her husband decided to volunteer with Mercy Ships as a family. Jamie and her family joined the crew of the Africa Mercy and stayed to serve for four years. In the beginning, Jamie went through ups and downs of helping her children transition to ship-life, but says “If transition isn’t painful, you’re not making progress.” They all made a lot of progress and have treasured memories of their time on board.   In this episode, Jamie shares about how this experience impacted her family, how the patient caregivers inspired her, and how she found her place serving on the ship. For more information about Mercy Ships and volunteering on board, check out www.mercyships.org/volunteer 

Released on 25 Apr 2022

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