Elaine Heath - Pioneers, Lightning Rods and Anxious Churches (N183)


Elaine Heath is the perfect person to speak to about the emergence of new expressions of Church. She's one of those rare people who understands and can navigate the institution (she's former Dean of Duke Divinity School and an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church), while at the same time has years of experience in small, experimental, missional communities. She's a pioneer who through her writing, speaking and retreats, has opened up a space for many others to explore new forms of church a little more safely. So we took the opportunity to pick Elaine's brain about the joys and heartbreaks of being a pioneer. After the interview, Nomad hosts Tim Nash and David Blower reflect on the ups and downs of their own church journeys. Interview begins at 10m 10s If you want more from Nomad, check out our website, and follow us on Facebook and twitter. Nomad can only keep going because a small group of faithful listeners help us pay the bills. Our donors gain access to the Nomad community, which manifests in such ways as Nomad Book Club, The Beloved Listener Lounge, Nomad Contemplations and Nomad Devotionals. And you may find yourself the proud owner of a Beloved Listener mug! Head over to our Patreon page for more information. If you're not fussed about the bonus content, you can make a one-off or regular donation through PayPal, the links to which you can find on our support page. And if you're looking for other people to share this journey with, then register on our Listener Map, and see if any other nomads are in your area.

Released on 23 Oct 2018

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