Stephen Backhouse - For God and Country? (N171)


Political theologian Stephen Backhouse believes that the earliest Christians tended to see patriotism as a vice – a temptation to guard against. Now it seems most Christians assume it is a virtue. Many of us, for example, don't think twice about asking God to Save the Queen or Bless America. So we ask Stephen whether the gospel is good news for our nations, what it means for a follower of Jesus to be a good citizen, whether we should be a blessing to our nation, or an unsettling presence, and how we should respond when loving our nation rubs up against our call to love our enemies. After the interview, Nomad hosts Tim Nash and David Blower reflect on Stephen's ideas and wonder how they might shape their own evolving faith. Interview begins at 12m 28s If you want more from Stephen, then have a look at this Tent Theology website.   If you want more from Nomad, check out our website, and follow us on Facebook and twitter. Nomad can only keep going because a small group of faithful listeners help us pay the bills. As a thank you, our donors gain access to a wide range of bonus content, such as Nomad Book Club, The Beloved Listener Lounge, Nomad Contemplations, Nomad Devotionals, and of course, the Beloved Listener mug! Head over to our Patreon page for more information. If you're not fussed about the bonus content, you can make a one-off or regular donation through PayPal, the links to which you can find on our support page. And if you're looking for other people to share this journey with, then register on our Listener Map, and see if any other nomads are in your area. 

Released on 23 Apr 2018

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