Things Unseen with Sinclair B. Ferguson

The Beginning of Lust

14 Mar 2023

The command against adultery goes much deeper than the physical act. Today, Sinclair Ferguson warns of the subtle ways impurity can take hold of our hearts and the lasting repercussions it may have. Read the transcript:

Murdering in Our Hearts

13 Mar 2023

We must not forget that we can kill with a word as well as with a weapon. Today, Sinclair Ferguson identifies key principles for understanding God's law so we may know more fully how He would have us live in this world. Read the transcript:

Honor Your Father and Mother

10 Mar 2023

There's a reason why our relationship with our parents is highlighted in the Ten Commandments right after our relationship with God. Today, Sinclair Ferguson discusses our loving obligation to honor our father and mother. Read the transcript:

A Pattern for Our Days

9 Mar 2023

It's a mistake to think that the Sabbath commandment is only about one day in the week. Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers the pattern that God has given to help us live a healthy, balanced life all week long. Read the transcript:

Taking God’s Name in Vain

8 Mar 2023

The third commandment is about so much more than using God's name as a curse word. Today, Sinclair Ferguson addresses our lifelong responsibility to honor the God who has placed His name and blessing on us in baptism. Read the transcript:

The Danger of Idolatry

7 Mar 2023

It is because God wants us to be safe that He warns against the idols of our hearts. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains the danger that idolatry poses and the true safety that lies only in the Lord. Read the transcript:

The Ten Commandments

6 Mar 2023

When the Lord delivered His law to His people, God's commands were given before the backdrop of His grace. Today, Sinclair Ferguson begins to show how the Ten Commandments teach us the best way to live before our merciful God. Read the transcript:

The Lord Will Provide

3 Mar 2023

We can trust God to provide us with everything we need, for He has already given what we most need: His Son. Today, Sinclair Ferguson expresses the gracious significance of the name of God revealed on Mount Moriah. Read the transcript:

Burning, Yet Not Consumed

2 Mar 2023

By revealing Himself in a burning bush, God gave Moses an unforgettable parable of who He is. Today, Sinclair Ferguson marvels at the God who is infinite and independent yet present with His people to preserve them. Read the transcript:

Knowing More of God

1 Mar 2023

God has revealed who He is through His actions in history and through His words explaining those actions. Today, Sinclair Ferguson explains how God's people come to know more and more of His immeasurable greatness. Read the transcript:

I Am Who I Am

28 Feb 2023

When Moses asked God for His name, he received a mysterious answer: "I AM WHO I AM" (Ex. 3:14). Today, Sinclair Ferguson considers what the Lord means for His people to know about Him through this astonishing name. Read the transcript:

The Most Important Question

27 Feb 2023

Of all the questions a Christian could possibly ask, which is the most important to answer? Today, Sinclair Ferguson poses the question that ultimately shapes our identity and the whole of our lives. Read the transcript:

The Heavenly Music of Self-Control

24 Feb 2023

The self-control produced by the Holy Spirit is not a strong-willed intimidation that leaves others feeling small. Today, Sinclair Ferguson portrays the attractive harmony of life that the fruit of the Spirit cultivates. Read the transcript:

Soft-Handed Gentleness

23 Feb 2023

If we grip our relationships tightly in order to control them, things are actually more likely to veer out of control. Today, Sinclair Ferguson shows that gentleness is the answer: having soft hands with a secure grip. Read the transcript:

Faithful, Trusted, and True

22 Feb 2023

Faithfulness is saying an ongoing "amen" to the commitments we've made. Today, Sinclair Ferguson reminds us that while our consistent reliability may be consistently tested, we're not left to our own resources. Read the transcript: