Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast by Gospel in Life

Reconciled and at Peace

26 Jul 2023

The gospel brings great goods into our lives. This text tells us a lot about one of them: reconciliation. We’re reconciled to God. What does that mean? One of the ways to understand this passage is to start at the end and work back. It’s actually a p...

Home From Exile

24 Jul 2023

Home is where you fit. Home is where you can be yourself. But Genesis 3 tells us what’s wrong with the human race: we’re homeless. To see the great goods the gospel brings to us, we need to first see what’s fundamentally wrong with the human race. Wh...

The Garden – City of God

21 Jul 2023

We’re wrapping up a series tonight, where we’ve been tracing the single story of the Bible. The Bible is not a set of individual stories that tell you how you should live in order to find God. The Bible is a single story about how God came to earth t...

Announcement: Gospel in Life has moved to Redeemer City to City

20 Jul 2023

A special announcement from Kathy Keller and Steve Shackelford, CEO of Redeemer City to City. To learn more about Redeemer City to City, watch this video or visit redeemercitytocity.com. 

The New Heaven and New Earth

19 Jul 2023

When Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, he was called the first fruits for the dead. The first fruits are the beginning of a harvest. As great as the resurrection of Jesus Christ is—and it means everything—it’s only the first installment on somet...

The Wedding Feast of the Lamb

17 Jul 2023

We’re tracing the single story of the Bible. We look now to the very end of the book of Revelation because all well-told stories tie up all the plot lines. And in the book of Revelation, all the plot lines of the history of the human race and all the...

Boasting and Faith

14 Jul 2023

In Romans 3 and 4 the Bible tells us exactly what God has done to put things right in Jesus Christ. You can put it in a phrase: we’re justified by faith through the blood of Christ.  We look now at one of those terms: faith. What is this saving faith...

By the Blood of Jesus Christ

12 Jul 2023

In Romans 3, we have the heart of Paul’s message about what God has done to put the world right in Jesus Christ.  Christianity alone says that God prepares a perfect righteous record through Jesus Christ and gives it freely to you. So you’re saved no...

Justified by Faith

10 Jul 2023

In Romans 1 through 4, Paul summarizes the story of the Bible. And here, in the last half of chapter 3 and into chapter 4, we have Paul’s most essential summary of what God has done to put the world right.  Three phrases are repeated and brought into...

No One Seeks God

7 Jul 2023

Romans 1 through 4 gives Paul’s version of the entire biblical story, also called the gospel. In this passage, we come to the end of Paul’s analysis of what’s wrong with the human race.  When I was a new believer, this was a tough passage for me. It...

The Failure of Religion

5 Jul 2023

We’re tracing the storyline of the entire Bible. We started in Genesis, where we learn what’s wrong with the human race, and we’ve come to Romans, where we learn what God has done about it through Jesus Christ.  Here at the beginning of Romans 2, Pau...

The Heart of Darkness

3 Jul 2023

We’re in a series tracing the storyline of the Bible: what’s wrong with the human race, what God has done about it, and how it’s all going to turn out. We’ve begun to look at Romans 1 through 4, where Paul gives us perhaps the single most comprehensi...

The Power of the Gospel

30 Jun 2023

We’re tracing the storyline of the Bible, and we looked first at what it says went wrong with the human race. Now we look at Romans 1 through 4, at perhaps the single most comprehensive place where we learn what God has done to make things right. Sch...

A Tale of Two Cities

28 Jun 2023

We’re in a series tracing the single storyline of the Bible—the single story that tells us what’s wrong with the human race, what God has done about it, and how history is going to turn out in the end.  We’ve started by looking at the beginning of th...

The History of the World in a Nutshell

26 Jun 2023

The Bible’s simple answer to the question “What’s wrong with the human race?” is sin.  Contemporary people cringe when we use the word sin because we don’t like it. Then what vocabulary will you use to talk about war atrocities, massive corruption, s...