Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast by Gospel in Life

Sent with Grace

10 Feb 2023

When Jesus knew it was his last time to train his disciples, he started their training with foot washing.  He gets up out of his place as the guest of honor, and he puts on a towel, picks up a basin, and begins to wash their feet. We’ve seen that thi...

Sent in Love

8 Feb 2023

On the night before he went to the cross, Jesus was about to send his disciples out into the world in a new way, and so he trained them. He started with this remarkable act of foot washing. Jesus has just finished talking about who he is and what he...

Sent to Bring Freedom

6 Feb 2023

Does becoming a Christian mean the end of your freedom? Is a relationship with Jesus Christ a radical challenge to your freedom? The answer is yes and no. But ultimately, no. Now I know somebody’s going to say that sounds like an ambiguous answer, bu...

Sent to Bear Witness

3 Feb 2023

We’re looking at the last sermon that Jesus Christ preached publicly to the world at large. And when you know this is the end, that you’re never going to speak to people again before you die, you usually say the things that are most important to you....

Sent to Show Christ’s Glory

1 Feb 2023

According to the Bible, there’s nothing more eminent than the glory of God. But that term is so remote to us now. Most Christians have heard of doing things for the glory of God, but what does that mean?  Do you want to have meaning in life? Do you h...

God at Work

30 Jan 2023

At first glance, Psalm 111 seems to be a generic recitation of the great things God has done for his people. But there’s more to it than meets the eye. If you read consecutively, Psalm 111 and 112 look a lot alike—and there are remarkable links betwe...

God of the Nations

27 Jan 2023

Psalm 96 is an astonishingly happy psalm. It depicts joy and rejoicing for the whole human race, and not just for everyone, but for everything—even the trees, the fields, the mountains, the earth, and the seas are filled with joy and rejoicing.  But...

Certainty of the Spirit

25 Jan 2023

Romans 8 tells us it’s possible for us to experience God because of the work of the Holy Spirit. At the end of the chapter, we get to the heart of the Holy Spirit’s job: to assure us that nothing can separate us from the love of God. If this is the m...

Witness of the Spirit

23 Jan 2023

We’re in a series on experiencing God, and we’re looking at the work of the Holy Spirit. The main job of the Holy Spirit is to assure you that you are a child of the King—to assure you that you belong to him, that you’re his child, that he loves you....

Cleansing of the Spirit

20 Jan 2023

We’re looking at what it means to experience God. To be a Christian is to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Not just to be helped by the Holy Spirit, not just to be inspired by the Holy Spirit, but to be indwelt.  Today, we’re going to look at how we in...

Life of the Spirit

18 Jan 2023

We’re looking at what it means to experience God. The reason we say Christianity is an extremely experiential religion is because the Bible says when we become Christians, we’re indwelt by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit resides in you—as a permane...

Freedom in the Spirit

16 Jan 2023

How do you actually experience God? How do you sense his presence in your life? If you want to understand the key to real experience of God, the Holy Spirit is the key. Romans 8 shows us that the Holy Spirit’s job is to convince you and to show you n...

Disciplines of Repentance

13 Jan 2023

We’re in a series on experiencing God. And we’ve talked about experiencing God’s presence in prayer, in guidance, and in suffering. But how do we get the presence of God in prayer, and in guidance, and in suffering?  Repentance is the secret. Repenta...

Disciplines of Distress

11 Jan 2023

We’re in a series looking at how we experience God. Now we ask, how do you experience God in troubles and distress and difficulties?  There are many texts in the Bible about suffering. Psalm 11 is a short Psalm, and yet we find in it the same princip...

Disciplines of Guidance

9 Jan 2023

We’re in a series on experiencing God. Now we come to another aspect: How can you know God is leading you and guiding you?  How can you know you’re not just making these decisions on your own, but rather, that there’s a plan, and God is leading you t...