Abortion clinic buffer zones


Starting in 2018, a number of English councils have begun using anti-social behaviour legislation to create buffer zones around abortion clinics. These zones ban anyone from protesting, singing, holding placards, expressing an opinion or even praying. Despite murmurings of protest from pro-life groups, the pro-choice movement has won backing in parliament for a nationwide buffer zone law, which also has been picked up in Northern Ireland and Scotland too. In recent months a number of Christian pro-lifers have been arrested, fined and taken to court for what they allege was simply silent prayer in their heads nearby an abortion clinic. Are these laws a proportionate attempt to deal with harassment and intimidation at anti-abortion vigils, or do they go too far in trying to legislate away any right to hold a pro-life belief and act on it? This week we’re joined by Sam Hailes and Emma Fowle from the Premier Christianity team to discuss where these buffer zones are coming from and what it might mean for the future of the church’s engagement in the abortion debate.

Released on 30 Jan 2023

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