Inside the government’s religious freedom conference


In amongst the comings and goings of Westminster over the last few weeks, there might have been one event that slipped your attention.
The International Ministerial Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief saw religious leaders flock to central London to talk about persecuted people of faith.
Whether it is Christians being attacked in Nigeria – as we heard about just a few weeks ago on the show – or Muslim Uighurs facing a possible genocide from the Chinese regime, there is no shortage of persecution crises around the world right now.
Hosted by the UK government, the conference brought together international politicians, civil society groups, parliamentarians from around the world, and dozens of faith leaders to raise the profile of freedom of religion and urge governments everywhere to step up action to protect persecuted minorities.
Premier’s Sophie Drew was there and brings this report featuring Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Prince Charles and former foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt.

Released on 22 Aug 2022

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