Small boats, Rwanda and welcoming the stranger: the church amid the politics of migration


Immigration is never far from the headlines these days. Whether it’s the government’s highly controversial plan to deport asylum-seekers to Rwanda, the so far unsuccessful efforts to stop migrants crossing the Channel on small boats, or even the scheme set up almost overnight to bring in hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees, we talk a lot about borders and those crossing ours to come into the UK. It raises passions on both sides of the political spectrum, whether you’re for open borders or slamming down the drawbridge. But should the Church weigh in, on something so contentious and provocative? Is there a common Christian tradition or values we can offer to the public debate?

Guests this week:

- The Bishop of Dover, Rose Hudson-Wilkin
- Krish Kandiah, Sanctuary Foundation
- Julian Prior, Good Faith Partnership

Released on 18 Sep 2023

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