The surprising conversion of Ayaan Hirsi Ali


Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the famous atheist and scourge of Islam, has suddenly announced she has now become a Christian. Many in the church have reacted with excitement that a prominent anti-religious voice has switched sides. But others have been scornful, noting her article explaining the conversion seems focused on Christianity’s role in the culture war and fails to mention Jesus or the cross. Why do we end up arguing so much about celebrity conversions like Ali’s? Should we be wary of public figures whose embrace of Christianity may have ulterior motives? Are we seeing the first inklings of a broader return to faith by public intellectuals and the final nail being hammered into the coffin of New Atheism?

Guests this week:
- Andy Bannister, evangelist and director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity
- Emma Fowle, deputy editor of Premier Christianity magazine

- Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s article ‘Why I Am Now A Christian’:
- Andy’s article for Premier Christianity:

Released on 4 Dec 2023

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