High-stakes Hollywood drama became the norm for Martin on his roller-coaster journey as a 16-year-old comprehensive-educated boy who ended up making millions of pounds each year; the crazy antics of the uber-wealthy; the violent life-changing threats...
I was turned down when I applied to be Rico’s assistant 24 years ago, and we both agreed that in retrospect it was a good call! But how God has used him as a faithful fearless proclaimer of gospel truth! Check out christianityexplored.org Help us st...
We cover abortion, losing a baby, divorce, cancer and more as Tola shares with her characteristic raw honesty how she has weathered the storms of life. Having spent different spells modelling, and working for the Mother’s Union (not as a model!), Tol...
Strap yourselves in for a mindbending, stirring and perspective-changing episode as Chris shares his incredible story from occult experiences as a toddler, his journey into witchcraft, his dramatic coming to faith, through to an anointed prophetic gi...
Miriam oozes wisdom, energy and creativity as she shares how God has used her to help reach, mobilise and equip a generation of students as part of the innovative Fusion movement. Check out: fusionmovement.org --- Choose Life in 2023: greatlakeso...
What a story! So much crime, brokenness, drugs. Endless destruction, carnage, violence. And then the impossible happened, and the policemen who hated him refused to believe he’d actually been transformed. Visit www.markrowanministries.com to buy the...
After an eventful decade in the police, Anthony felt called to pioneer church planting in the UK and beyond. His positive outlook, determination and leadership in empowering and releasing others are deeply inspiring. Check out anthonydelaney.com fo...
My old friend Sam has taken some hits along the way as a gay follower of Jesus and communicates with real candour, grace and wisdom on this hot-button issue. His own journey through wrestling with his sexuality and growing in a worldwide Bible-teachi...
Having miraculously survived a car crash over the edge of a mountain road, Joanna’s desire is to stir faith in us to believe that God still does amazing things in the West, not just in Africa! Check out her blog at joannawatson.co.uk and her book "Li...
Scoring against his childhood hero Kevin Keegan at Newcastle was an incredible high, but it didn’t last. Danno shares his story from humble beginnings in Wales, to playing professional football for Cardiff City and Cambridge United, before a game-cha...
This is the first podcast to have had me several times on the edge of or actually in tears! Rob Parsons is a brilliant storyteller, having come from a humble background and ascended to the dizzy heights of senior partner in a law firm. He then founde...
Having acted on stage alongside the likes of Dustin Hoffman and with Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie in Jeeves and Wooster, Richard then became a communications guru, helping the likes of me improve our public speaking. He talks with beautiful candour ab...
During a 40-year engineering career, Kevin managed to fit in youth work, playing in a band and developing a healing ministry. He has amazing stories to share of God at work, particularly in Macedonia, where he spends much of his time strengthening th...
Hardwired for working on challenging council estates, therapist Amy Woodfield (with hubby Ben and three kids) has got stuck into messy and fruitful church planting in several deprived areas. She shares beautiful stories of the highs and lows of that...
When Andy came across three young sisters being sold by their mother for abuse, he just had to do something about it… Do check out revive-international.org and cms-uk.org **Content Warning: Contains discussion of child abuse** If you'd like to recei...