The Leadership Show

Presented by Andy Peck

Hugo Anson

14 May 2017

The co-author of Disciple Factory explores how we make disciples in the local church.

Viv Thomas - part 2

7 May 2017

How do we know when it's time to move on and how do we do so? Viv Thomas, author of Wisdom Road explains how it has worked for him.

Viv Thomas

30 Apr 2017

How do we make decisions as leaders? Viv Thomas, author of Wisdom Road: Making Decisions in Company with God, explores the issue.

Tanja Gullestrup Lowes

23 Apr 2017

Founder of The Giving Tree Foundation - Turning Autism Around.

Andrew Baines

16 Apr 2017

Andrew Baines, the former Army Commander, and Business Consultant on leadership in and out of a Regiment.

Andy & Yvonne Hall

10 Apr 2017

The leaders of Nothing Hidden Ministries UK on making sure your marriage works alongside your leadership.

Madge Obaseki

19 Mar 2017

Madge Obaseki of Grow Your Church Now talks about how you can get your church moving in the right direction for growth inside and out.

Paul Martin

12 Mar 2017

Paul Martin the lawyer, and author of Faith, Hope and Charity, on keeping your charity the right side of the law. 

Tanya Walker

5 Mar 2017

How can we use apologetics better in the church? Tanya Walker of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries discusses developing understanding in apologetics in the local church 

Tim Hastie-Smith

26 Feb 2017

The national director of Scripture Union looks at its work and combining his work with serving as a Vicar. 

Steve Aisthorpe

19 Feb 2017

A researcher for the Church of Scotland on the ramifications of his major report on why people leave church

Ruth Jackson

11 Feb 2017

How do we help young people with issues that challenge their faith?

David Bennett

29 Jan 2017

How should the church teach sexuality in an age where the traditional views on marriage are questioned? David Bennett of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries answers.   

Marcus Honeysett

22 Jan 2017

How do we look after our church leaders? Marcus Honeysett, founding director of Living Leadership explains how churches and leaders can have appropriate expectations about their ministry together.

Phil Whittall

15 Jan 2017

How do we develop the prophetic in the local church? Phil Whittall of Grace Church, Stockholm on the pros and cons of the various methods of supporting church leaders financially.