Christina Abbott: Dressing Tom Cruise, Tina Turner, and the Royal Family


Fashion is the UK's biggest creative industry, worth over £26 billion a year. If we wear clothes, it affects us, whether we care about it or not. Our clothes aren't just functional – they communicate who we are and what we care about.Despite all that, the fashion industry's reputation isn't exactly holy. From fast fashion's environmental impact to haute couture's fondness for unrealistic body ideals, it can seem as though we're better off keeping away from the whole thing.But God cares about every part of life, and what we wear is no exception. So what does the Christian story have to say about fashion, and what are the implications for us, whether we’re in the fashion industry or not?To explore those questions, Paul and Grace are joined by Christina Abbott, personal shopper and stylist to the stars. Over a long and varied career, she's dressed just about every kind of A-lister imaginable, from royalty to film stars, pop sensations to world leaders. She's a Christian and passionate about luxury fashion, faith, and where the two meet. Listen to Christina's stories – and get a fresh perspective on the industry that clothes the world.Christina Abbott currently runs an independent consultancy that focuses on leadership, team development, and public speaking, with a particular focus on the luxury fashion sector. She also offers bespoke shopping experiences in London. Find out more at

Released on 29 Apr 2024

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