Anthony Ray Hinton: Sentenced to death for a crime he didn’t commit


Anthony Ray Hinton spent 30 years inside an Alabamian prison waiting to be executed. Hinton doesn’t use the word “hell” lightly; nevertheless, that’s what decades of solitary confinement was like, he says. So how did he cope? “Faith keeps you from getting caught up in everyday trauma, because your life is so consumed with trying to live like Jesus. And it was no different for me on the row. I had a job to do, and that was for those men to see Christ in me." Remarkably, Hinton believes God had a plan all along, and he was sent to death row on a special mission. He has also been able to forgive those who were responsible for this grave injustice. In this in-depth interview, Hinton shares his story with Premier Christianity's Sam Hailes, and explains why he believes US Christians must campaign against the death penalty. 
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Released on 4 Nov 2022

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