Jeremy Vine: The broadcasting legend on how he lost faith and found it again // Cardinal Vincent Nichols: The leader of Catholics in England & Wales on the true meaning of hope


BBC Radio 2 presenter Jeremy Vine talks to Justin Brierley about faith, doubt and Strictly Come Dancing. The popular broadcaster opens up about his career, what he's learned from his listeners and why he'd be "the worst evangelical ever". 
In part two, Sam Hailes meets the leader of Catholics in England and Wales, Cardinal Vincent Nichols. Cardinal Nichols shares his life story, comments on Pope Francis' influence on perceptions of the Catholic Church and argues the evil of human trafficking can and must be stopped.
The Profile is brought to you in association with Premier Christianity magazine. For a free sample copy of the print issue visit
Follow Jeremy on Twitter @theJeremyVine. Follow Cardinal Vincent Nichols @CardinalNichols
For more interviews with leading Christians visit

Released on 6 Jan 2018

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