The Word for Today

Weekdays from 4:30am

The Pattern of Solomon's Prayer

19 Apr 2023

How do you dedicate such an awesome temple of worship? How did Solomon do it?

A People Governed by God

19 Apr 2023

What is the highest form of human government? How did it work out for a people who moved from a theocracy to a different form of government?

The House of the Lord

19 Apr 2023

153,600 people were engaged to build a house. What was so special about this house?

The History of the Kings of Judah

19 Apr 2023

In the beginning, Solomon's heart was right with the Lord but . . .

Giving to God with our Heart

19 Apr 2023

What does God value when we "give to the Lord"? What's in your heart to give to God?