Unbelievable? 21 Feb 2009 DNA - the fingerprints of God?


Could the DNA that makes up the building blocks of life of every living thing on the earth be the clue to a cosmic designer?
That's the view of Christian guest Perry Marshall. An electrical engineer by background, he is now a leading authority on information systems and the internet. He says that anybody who comes at the topic of how life originated from an engineering background will see that DNA is a code that needs a designer to create the information it transmits.
Peter Hearty is an atheist biologist. He says that science does not work when you dispense with the search for a naturalistic explanation for the origin of DNA.
Hear them both and let us have your views by email: [email protected]
For Perry Marshall's site: www.cosmicfingerprints.com
For Christians who disagree with intelligent design see: www.cis.org.uk
To hear more Christian/non-Christian debates see www.premier.org.uk/unbelievable or pod cast
Join in the debate at the Premier Community http://www.premiercommunity.org.uk/group/unbelievable

Released on 5 Jun 2014

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